This post have some recurrent tips that I use in vim.

Using splits

  • ctr+w ctr+w (normal mode) jump to the next split

Using tabs

For more go to Using tab pages at vim.wikia.

  • :tabedit {file} edit the file in a new tab.
  • :tabclose {i} close the i-th tab
  • :tabclose close the current tab
  • :tabs list the current tabs
  • :tabn go to next tab
  • :tabp go to previous tab
  • gt (normal mode) go to next tab
  • gT (normal mode) go the previous tab


  • :set list helpful when mantaining code format (using tabs or spaces). It displays unprintable characters with ‘^’ and put ‘$’ after each line.

NERD tree

  • :NERDTree toggle the file navigator or focus on it.


I used the awesome version of The Ultimate vimrc. It comes with a lot of batteries included such as pathogen and NERD tree.